عدد 621 تحميلات تحت قسم علوم
تصفح جميع التحميلات
مبادئ دراسات الجدوي الاقتصادية
Ginkgo biloba L. leaf extract offers multiple mechanisms in bridling N-methylnitrosourea – mediated experimental colorectal cancer
High cell density cultivation of six fungal strains efficient in azo dye bioremediation
Bidirectional Association Between Psoriasis and Obesity: Benefits and Risks
Exploiting bilosomes for delivering bioactive polysaccharide isolated from Enteromorpha intestinalis for hacking hepatocellular carcinoma
Association of large sandstone uranium deposits with hydrocarbons
National Nuclear Security Administration
Effects of Microstructure and Strain Ageing on Toughness of Nuclear PWR Reactor Weld Metals.
The role of probiotics in children with autism spectrum disorder: A prospective, open-label study
Assessment of Contamination by Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sediments along Discharge Basin of Suez Oil Refinery Company, Southwest of the Suez Gulf
Application of Bioand Chemical Surfactants in Bioremediation of Crude Oil Fractions Part II
A critical assessment of global uranium resources, including uranium in phosphate rocks, and the possible impact of uranium shortages on nuclear power fleets
Occurrence and Distribution of Aliphatic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Waters along Coastal Area of Suez Gulf
Evaluation of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the aquatic species of Suez Gulf water along El-Sokhna area to the Suez refineries